Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13






(panicked) Help me... I crashed my car... someone’s after me... OPERATOR’S VOICE I’m sorry, sir, you need to slow down, it’s a bad line - which emergency service do you require? EDDIE Police, send the police -- He looks around quickly, sensing someone's presence, can't see anyone through the snow. OPERATOR’S VOICE And what is the nature of your emergency, sir? (beat) Sir? Are you there? Sir? He drops the phone, takes a few steps, wheels around, trying to locate the threat. The Shooter, still walking, raises the handgun...continues to advance through the falling snow... ...Eddie, breathing hard, wheels in the other direction… knows his pursuer is close, closing. TIGHT ON the hand-gun closing the gap, unstoppable… Eddie spins again, nothing behind him. Suddenly knows he's lost. He clenches his fists, draws himself to his full height, defiantly shouts into the storm: EDDIE Master Sergeant Edward T. Shaw, 7-3- 9-0-2-2-5-1-8, United States Marine Corp. Semper Fi you son of a bitch. BAM! Eddie's lifeless body hits the ground. A single neat bullet wound in the back of his head. The Shooter rolls over the body, begins emptying Eddie's pockets. Wallet, house keys, cigarettes, lighter, reading glasses case. Each item is discarded beside Eddie's body - none of them the object of the search.


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