Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13



INT. CADDY (DRIVING) - DAY 32 Kensi at the wheel, Deeks shotgun, Claire and Dave in back. KENSI Zulu Two, rolling. INTERCUT WITH: INT OPS CENTER - DAY 33 Eric and Nell working feverishly to feed them info. ERIC Comms check five-five. Target vehicle is parked in the driveway


* * *

of an apartment building. Four condos... Apartment D is a short

term lease...

IN THE EXCURSION Paris, Callen and Sam fill in the blanks. SAM Spears is the head of the snake.


He took out Santos, who supplied his cell with weapons. CALLEN Either didn’t trust him or didn’t need him any more. And he took out Sergeant Shaw on the off chance someone might recognize him. PARIS Spears is a Westerner. Which do you think? Money? Or ideology? CALLEN Money. I hope.



EXT. CONDOS - DAY 34 The Excursion and the Caddy pull up outside the condos, both teams spill out. Dave and Claire cover the back, the others enter through the front...

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