Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13





PARIS He’s going to be okay. ROY Good. An awkward moment, then Hetty steps in... HETTY ‘Evening, Roy. ROY Hetty. HETTY You’re early. Roy shrugs and we get the sense he’s always early. HETTY (cont’d) Paris, Roy’s going to be filling in until Danny’s fit for duty. Paris reacts. A long moment, then -- POW! She punches Roy * in the face. Hard. And heads for the door. Roy ruefully rubs his jaw. * Granger winces. And off Hetty, her will being tested, we... FADE TO BLACK HETTY’S VOICE Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it, Roy? AND OVER BLACK ...TO BE CONTINUED

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