Spada Law Group - April 2019

Is It Okay to Skip Breakfast?

T he T ruth A bout the F irst M eal of the D ay

anything. The most important meal of the day is whichever meal you get the most out of, whether it’s nutritional value, enjoyment, or both. Having a healthy, protein-rich breakfast does come with benefits, though. It gives you energy for the day and helps you avoid scrambling to find something to eat a couple hours later when hunger sets in. All too often, skipping breakfast (or having

Sometimes you skip breakfast simply because you don’t have time to eat. Other times, you skip breakfast because nothing really appeals to you. This is a common occurrence for many people across the country. But when you skip breakfast, you may find that you feel just fine. It begs the question: Is breakfast really that important? Do you need to eat breakfast?

a carb-heavy breakfast) leads people to raid the vending machine or make unhealthy food choices they wouldn’t ordinarily make. Along these same lines, skipping breakfast may encourage you to eat more later in the day at lunch or dinner. You may think you’re saving calories, but over the course of a day, you can end up consuming more calories than if you had simply eaten breakfast.

It depends. Most people can skip breakfast and be totally fine. They’ll make it to lunch without skipping a beat. It all comes down to how you feel. Some people need breakfast or they’ll have caused by low blood sugar. A healthy breakfast can stabilize your mood, helping you feel more positive, energized, and focused throughout the morning. to deal with mood swings — often referred to as being “hangry” —

With so much research on the subject of breakfast, one thing is clear: You should eat when you feel hungry. You don’t have to live by the conventional wisdom of “three squares a day.” When you listen to your body, you’ll feel better for it!

We can, however, bust the notion that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day.” This phrase was used to market breakfast cereal in the last century. In reality, it doesn’t mean

Building a Better Community With RESPOND

Spada Law Group Supports Survivors of Domestic Abuse

A t our firm, we believe we have a responsibility to support others who are less fortunate in our community. We are proud to do this every day by being there for those who need legal services in the area of personal injury, but we have an obligation to do so much more. This is why we look for opportunities to support other organizations that make a positive impact in the world. One amazing organization we are honored to support is RESPOND, New England’s first domestic violence prevention agency. Intimate relationships can bring so much joy into our lives. Unfortunately, many people find themselves in dangerous relationships with partners who threaten their safety. In 2008, domestic violence was declared a public health emergency in the state of Massachusetts. Domestic violence includes physical or sexual violence, emotional or mental abuse, and threats against a person’s well-being. In the United States, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of domestic violence by an intimate partner. RESPOND exists to help survivors and end domestic violence. For 45 years, RESPOND has helped over 100,000 vulnerable members of our community through their emergency shelter, support services, crisis hotline, training, and education. They offer free,

confidential help to adults of all gender identities, as well as children and teens. Dedicated to giving survivors all the resources they need to escape a dangerous situation, RESPOND also accepts parents and their teenage sons, which is a rarity in Massachusetts. After learning about the important work RESPOND does for our community, Spada Law Group made a pledge to donate a percentage of its revenues to RESPOND so they can continue to fight for survivors and help make Massachusetts a better place. If you are interested in learning more about RESPOND or want to join us in supporting this important cause, visit their website at . We can all do our part to end domestic violence in Massachusetts and be there for the people who need help.


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