Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12
We come close to the text so that only two or three words at a time are legible. We read the words ’ King’s medal for gallantry ’ in bold. Below it we read the words ‘ racketeering, protection, armed robbery’. Beneath it in bold type, ‘GANG NAME...PEAKY BLINDERS’ . At that moment the carriage door slides open and the ticket inspector enters. Campbell closes his file calmly then shows his identity badge. We glimpse the shield of the Special Branch. When he speaks we will hear a Protestant Belfast accent. CAMPBELL Government business. The inspector gives him a sideways bow of the head in deference. The inspector leaves. Campbell opens his file again and turns a page to find a page devoted to ‘FREDDIE THORNE’. We see a mug shot photograph of a handsome man in his early thirties who is also wearing military uniform. Beneath his name in bold type we read... ’BSA Union Convenor. Communist agitator. Bolshevik’. Campbell turns the page back to look once again at the face of Thomas Shelby and Freddie Thorne. He holds both pages in view at once. It’s as if Campbell is trying to decide which of the two handsome uniformed men he will fall upon first. Then he
closes the book, settles back and closes his eyes. EXT. GARRISON PUB, GARRISON LANE - DAY 1 - 18:45 We see Thomas approaching the pub and entering. INT. GARRISON PUB - CONTINUOUS - DAY 1 - 18:45
1/13 The pub is an ornate Cathedral built to combat the gloom of poverty. Every brass is polished to a blinding shine. All the mirrors are gilded. Where outside there is dereliction, inside the pub there is an excess of colour and decoration. There is a table by the window occupied by a group of men whose faces we don’t see. Others stand at the bar, smoking and drinking bitter or mild. Scud-boat is collecting bets from punters at tables. Then Thomas enters. Everyone in the pub freezes a little but they all try hard to carry on as normal. We join Thomas as he comes to the bar and removes his cap. A barman is about to hurry to serve Thomas but he is outrun by the LANDLORD of the Garrison whose name is HARRY FENTON. Harry is scarred above the eye. He is instantly deferential and produces a bottle of stout which he opens quickly and puts in front of Thomas.
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