PB Ep1 - BLUE AMENDS - 171012.fdx Script

Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12



EXT. GARRISON LANE - NIGHT 1 - 20:30 1/19A The street is lively in the dark. Children still play out and the men are mostly drunk. Buskers play and beggars beg. As we join the scene, we are close on Jimmy Jesus, who is standing on a box, preaching in his Birmingham/Jamaican accent... JIMMY JESUS

And the Lord will smite the unholy when the great judgement comes. And judgement is coming my friends. Judgement is coming to this wicked City...

Campbell’s carriage shoots through shot and we join Campbell inside. We see him staring out at the street. His face is impassive, the half lit street scene is reflected on the cab window. He sees drunks staggering from pub-to-pub and notices four young prostitutes standing on a street corner. Gangs of children smoke pipes and play barefoot. A horse is being beaten into submission as it shies against the weight of its dray. We pass the Chain pub and then approach the twinkling lights of the Garrison, where young men with caps pulled down over their eyes drink on the pavement, some swigging from iron buckets. As the Garrison approaches, a rock hits Campbell’s window and the reflection is shattered. Campbell doesn’t even flinch. Another rock hits the carriage, then another. The driver shouts down... DRIVER That’s it, I don’t go any further. Campbell blinks impassively. CAMPBELL Take me to the Police Station. The driver hurriedly turns his horse around and the cab hurries away... As the cab clears shot, we find Ada Shelby, walking fast down Garrison Lane, dressed in white with her hat angled on her head. We follow her. She hurries past Jimmy Jesus as he preaches some more... JIMMY JESUS Your wickedness and your fornications will be revealed... Ada hurries past him and disappears into the shadows. OMITTED 1/20


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