PB Ep1 - BLUE AMENDS - 171012.fdx Script

Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12



Detectives have been asking questions in the proofing shops. Thomas looks up at the iconography. He doesn’t care for it. POLLY (CONT’D) Nothing happens at the factory without you knowing about it. Thomas turns to Polly and we see he has respect for her. Still he waits... POLLY (CONT’D) Speak. God and Aunt Polly are listening. Finally Thomas comes clean in a soft voice... THOMAS It was meant to be routine. I had a buyer in London for some

motorcycles. I asked my men to steal me four bikes with petrol engines. I’m guessing my men were drunk. There’s a still inside the factory makes tram line gin... They picked up the wrong fucking crate... POLLY So what was in the crate?

Thomas takes a moment...

THOMAS The boys delivered it to Charlie’s yard as agreed.








FLASHBACK - EXT. CHARLIE’S YARD - NIGHT X - 22:00 1/25 By gas light and fire light, through drizzle, we see Charlie, Curly and Thomas using crow bars to prize the crate open. We move close. Thomas pulls down a box and forces it open. We see dull metal, a barrel, a roll of machine gun shells... THOMAS (OOV) They must’ve taken it from the proofing bay instead of the export bay. We come close to Thomas’s face as he reacts to the sight of the contents of the box. Curly steps into the light...

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