Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12
Grace nods anxiously and turns around to the spirit cupboard. Thomas watches her and sees anxiety. She finds a bottle of dark Rum and puts it onto the bar. GRACE Harry said on the house. Thomas pushes the coins forward then peers at Grace. THOMAS Are you a whore? Grace is astonished. Thomas stares at her. THOMAS (CONT’D) Because if you’re not, you’re in the wrong place. Thomas takes the bottle of rum and leaves. Grace watches him go. Harry hurries to her and Grace catches her breath... GRACE He’s one of the ones you told me about. Harry quickly closes the frosted window and locks it. HARRY
Grace, you’re a friendly girl but be careful. If I say ‘on the house’ say nothing to whoever you’re serving. If they decide they want you there’s nothing anybody could do about it.
Harry swigs a beer.
HARRY (CONT’D) Lucky for you, since he got back from France, Tommy doesn’t want anybody at all. INT. SHELBY HOME, PARLOUR - DAY 3 - 12:35 1/37 Arthur is sitting on a hard-backed chair, groaning in pain. John and Polly are there and Ada is boiling water on the open fire. ADA John, wipe the blood out of his eye. JOHN Since when did you give orders? Ada squeezes a cloth....
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