Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12
GRACE (CONT’D) They say he won two medals for gallantry in the War. Campbell squeezes the end of his moustache... CAMPBELL You sound fascinated. GRACE (Ignoring) However, my opinion has not
changed. The bookmaker gangs have other business and the communists are too weak to have planned this. I believe the guns were taken by the IRA.
Campbell nods gently.
CAMPBELL You must not let your history cloud your judgement. GRACE (Knowing) What history? Silence as someone passes. Grace continues wearily... GRACE (CONT’D) Campbell hears but doesn’t quite believe. He hands her a slip of paper with a list of serial numbers and speaks softly. CAMPBELL If you see a gun, check the serial numbers against this list. Campbell turns to go, checking his watch. Then he stops and smiles at Grace. CAMPBELL (CONT’D) Your father was the finest officer I ever worked with. I know he would be very, very proud of you. He drifts away. Grace seems to be deeply affected by mention of her father but holds it all in check... EXT. GRAND UNION CANAL - DAY 5 - 18:00 1/52 We find Leo, the Italian cafe owner, and another Italian guy, standing on the tow path. They are dressed in black suits and overcoats. That the IRA murdered my father will not affect my judgement.
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