PB Ep1 - BLUE AMENDS - 171012.fdx Script

Episode One - BLUE AMENDS - 17/10/12


Arthur is three years older than Thomas, his hair slicked and oiled, his jet black moustache dropping around his thick lips. He wears gold chains and smokes a thick cigar, the smoke almost hiding him. On the desk where he sits, there is a half full bottle of rum and a mountain of coins, pennies, shillings, farthings. He is counting them slowly into a top hat as Thomas enters. Thomas closes the door. Arthur deliberately takes a while to finish his count before looking up. ARTHUR You was seen doing the powder trick down at Garrison court. Thomas leans back against the door. THOMAS Times are hard. People need a reason to lay a bet. (As the conversation continues, we should sense that Arthur feels his authority is threatened by Thomas. Arthur is angry and blustery. Thomas is cool, hardly moving from the door). ARTHUR There was a Chinese. THOMAS The washer women say she’s a witch. It helps them believe. ARTHUR We don’t mess with Chinese. THOMAS Look at the board... ARTHUR (Snapping back) Chinese have cutters of their own. THOMAS We agreed. I’m taking charge of drumming up new money. ARTHUR When did we agree that? Thomas simply glances at the bottle of rum on Arthur’s desk. Arthur retreats a little. ARTHUR (CONT’D) What if Monaghan Boy wins? Thomas stares hard at Arthur to suggest it’s all under control. Arthur gets to his feet, his big fists on the desk.

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