CF 03019 I AM THE APOCALYPSE Full 2nd White.fdx

Prod. 03019/319

17 Full 2nd White 2/26/15






WILL You might have a mild concussion, April...

He leads her to a chair...

WILL (CONT’D) ...can you sit here until I can take a moment to look at you? APRIL I could, but I’m not going to. Will looks at her... April just stares back at him defiantly. APRIL (CONT’D) April Layton Sexton, born November 22nd, 1982. My fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Nagel. My first pet was Bubbles. You want my social security number? WILL We’re good. APRIL I’m gonna go help people now. She moves to check on a man whose arm is severely mangled... Just then... the SMALL FIRE in the ceiling over Will’s head must have hit something ELECTRICAL... because a SHOWER OF SPARKS erupts from the blast hole... He backs away as Casey hurries over and snatches up that fire extinguisher Otis put down... starts spraying... CASEY Herrmann! There’s another extinguisher by the doors over there. Herrmann hurries over to the other extinguisher on the far wall... which is next to the double doors that lead back into the hospital... and now we see... ...through those double doors: DR. TRAMBLE, pounding on them. Herrmann shakes his head... HERRMANN You can’t come in, lady! We got a situation here...


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