Prod. 03019/319
47 Full 2nd White 2/26/15
CLAMAN Christopher. I need some blood.
He hurriedly approaches and enters the room, rolling up his sleeve... and Claman quickly spears his vein and draws some blood... HERRMANN What’s this for? CLAMAN (concentrating) In about thirty seconds we’re gonna know if you’re all gonna die. Herrmann swallows. Claman takes a collection tube out with a clear solution in it. Then she pulls up the syringe and pearls a couple of drops of Herrmann’s blood into it, turning the clear a little red... she then swirls it... CLAMAN (CONT’D) If this turns blue, then you’re clear. If it doesn’t, well then... Herrmann can’t even breathe... they watch the tube swirl... IN THE ER: 53 Tramble, Mills and Brett step out of the Trauma Bay... just as Herrmann emerges from the small room off the ER... He looks gobsmacked. TRAMBLE What is it? Then he breaks into a smile... HERRMANN Not contagious. Everyone starts cheering... Claman emerges from the room behind him, unzipping her Hazmat suit... CLAMAN Influenza A was positive, but the Marburg
virus didn’t have time to incubate. Whatever he had in his body died with him.
Will smiles big...
Open up the ER!
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