Prod. 03019/319
3 Full 2nd White 2/26/15
Boden frowns, did he expect anything less from these two? BODEN Two minutes. 5 Severide hooks the ladder to the parapet wall and climbs the rest of the way on to the roof. BRAD and SCOOTER are ON THE LADDER AND DOWN BELOW: on their hands and knees, coughing and wheezing... scared... Severide hurries to them. The roof seems unstable... SEVERIDE We gotta get off this roof! CASEY Otis, Herrmann! Come help us get ‘em down. Quickly, ropes are tied, victims are guided down the ladder... Severide and Casey to Otis, Otis to Herrmann... and soon Scooter and Brad are down on the ground. Mills watches... itching to get in the game... smiling. Brett notices... BRETT Something funny? MILLS Just love the job, you know? Weird response but okay... BACK ON THE GROUND: 6 It’s a zoo as HAZMAT TEAMS arrive... there aren’t enough paramedics to treat all the workers who got hit with the gas. Boden wraps up a radio call as Severide, Casey, and Mills approach. BODEN Closest ambo is five minutes out. MILLS Victims are in respiratory distress, Chief.
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