Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, The - pilot



Yeah? For maybe three seconds Riley holds up an orange in his left hand. Then he puts the orange away and holds up a coconut in the right hand. DR. RILEY You don’t remember when I used to trick or treat at your apartment door? You’d give out apples. PTOLEMY Apples? Um, maybe. DR. RILEY What did I have in my left hand? Riley holds up his left hand - now empty. Ptolemy looks from one side to the other. Says nothing. DR. RILEY(CONT'D) Can you point to the side that I had the orange on? Ptolemy concentrates but it’s no use. REGGIE You remember, uncle. PTOLEMY Remember what? This response is a sad revelation for Reggie. DR. RILEY Would you like a pop, Mr. Grey? PTOLEMY Coca-Cola? Smiling Dr. Riley nods and hits a button on his phone. MRS. KAMAL (O.S.) Yes, Doctor? DR. RILEY

Mrs. Kamal, can you bring Mr. Grey down to the snack room and give him a Coke? MRS. KAMAL Yes, Doctor.

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