INT. PTOLEMY'S APARTMENT, KITCHEN - MORNING There are six cans on and around the bean-can ledge. Ptolemy’s chin has the fuzz of a week’s growth on it. His shirt only has one button buttoned, and it is askew. PTOLEMY Is it this many mean Reggie?
INT. PTOLEMY'S APARTMENT, KITCHEN - EVENING Eight cans. There’s a cut on his hand.
INT. PTOLEMY'S APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM - EARLY AFTERNOON TV, radio, SNORING PAPA GREY. He’s sitting in his lawn chair; grizzled and a week and a half worth of disheveled. KNOCKING. HILLY (O.S.) Papa Grey! Papa Grey, you in there? Ptolemy is startled awake. PTOLEMY What? Huh? HILLY (O.S.) Papa Grey! Hilly keeps CALLING and KNOCKING while Ptolemy tries to orient himself. Finally the elder gets to his feet and staggers to the door. PTOLEMY Who is it? Reggie? HILLY (O.S.) No, Uncle, it’s Hilly. PTOLEMY Who-ee? HILLY (O.S.) Hilly. Niecie’s son. He might as well be speaking ancient Phoenician for all that Ptolemy understands.
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