Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, The - pilot


PTOLEMY Where Reggie at?

HILLY (O.S.) He couldn’t, um, be here and mama send me to come get you. PTOLEMY Get me? Why you wanna get me? HILLY (O.S.) To bring you to Niecie’s house. PTOLEMY Knees-ee? HILLY (O.S.) Niecie. Hilda Brown. Your sister June’s daughter. PTOLEMY June’s dead. She died a long time ago. HILLY (O.S.) There’s a picture sittin’ on your TV box, Papa Grey... Ptolemy looks at the collection of little standup frames. PTOLEMY How you know what’s in my house? HILLY (O.S.) There’s a picture there with a piece’a tape on it says Hilliard. That’s who I am. Ptolemy goes to the pictures but he’s already forgotten why. HILLY (O.S.)(CONT'D) Papa Grey? PTOLEMY What you say I’m lookin’ for? HILLY (O.S.) Hilliard. H-I-L-L- PTOLEMY That’s enough. I got it.

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