Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, The - pilot


INT. GROLLIER’S BANK - MID-AFTERNOON Just another bungalow bank with linoleum floors, a row of tellers behind bulletproof glass, and a dozen or so customers. Opposite the wall of tellers, against a broad window is the high shelf where people fill out deposit slips, etc. Hilly and Ptolemy are there. The nephew is getting his uncle to sign the backs of the three retirement checks. Standing a little way off from them is SHIRLEY WRING (black woman, 70s, sympathetic). She watching them surreptitiously. HILLY You get three checks every month? PTOLEMY One, two, three. My social Damn. You a lucky mothahfuckah. That what you is. If I had that money my life’d be made. Ptolemy agonizes over his signature. He writes slowly, mouthing the letters as he goes. When he’s finished he gives the checks to Hilly, who hurries off to a free window. INT. GROLLIER'S BANK - CONTINUOUS As soon as Hilly is gone Shirley approaches Ptolemy. SHIRLEY WRING Excuse me, sir. PTOLEMY Yeah? SHIRLEY WRING Hi. My name is Shirley, Shirley Wring. security, my pension, and Sensia Howard’s death benefit. One, two, three. HILLY She holds out a hand to shake. At first Ptolemy doesn’t understand this simple greeting but Shirley reaches out for his hand and then shakes. After a moment he remembers the nicety. PTOLEMY Shirley Wring?

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