PTOLEMY Hello, double-U, ara, eye, Enne, gee.
They both grin like schoolkids.
PTOLEMY (CONT'D) My name is, um, um, Ptolemy. SHIRLEY WRING Um... You look like a good person, Ptolemy. PTOLEMY Thank you. Meanwhile, in the background Hilly has gotten into a discussion with the teller, KORA BROOKS (black woman, 30s, sharp as a tack). Hilly points at Ptolemy. SHIRLEY WRING This is embarrassing but I’m here to pay me and my daughter’s phone bill but I’m short some money. I need forty dollars. I don’t have it but I have this, this ring. Shirley produces a six or seven carat fire opal ring. The setting is very old. She hands it to Ptolemy. He takes the beautiful piece. Looking at it he is deeply impressed by the beauty. PTOLEMY This is a treasure. A treasure. SHIRLEY WRING I only need forty-eight dollars to pay the bill and all I ask is that you let me buy it back when I get my social security check. Ptolemy isn’t following all of what she’s saying. He is, instead, thinking about his own words. PTOLEMY That’s what Coydog was tryin’ t’tell me. A treasure. SHIRLEY WRING So will you lend me the money?
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