INT. GROLLIER'S BANK - SIMULTANEOUSLY Here we have to see Hilly getting the money and pocketing half of it. INT. GROLLIER'S BANK - CONTINUOUS Shirley and Ptolemy are again grinning like schoolchildren. Hilly walks up to them. HILLY Let’s go, Uncle. We already late. PTOLEMY This here is Shirley Wring. Double- U, ara, eye, Enne, gee. Hilly gives her a curt nod. HILLY We got to go. PTOLEMY I need my money. HILLY I can hold it for you. PTOLEMY I need my money now. Hilly hands his uncle an envelope with the money in it, at least the money he hasn’t stolen. Ptolemy looks for more than just one envelope. PTOLEMY (CONT'D) Where’s the other letters? HILLY They put all the money in one. Ptolemy inspects the contents and then turns his attention to Shirley. PTOLEMY How much did you want, Shirley Wring? SHIRLEY WRING Forty-eight dollars. PTOLEMY Here, count out what you need.
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