

If one of his pack sees it ... You’re just advertising for the next gunfight.

James chews that as Thomas and Shea ride past him. James unties the horse, pulls the saddle from its back and yanks off the bridle, tosses it on the ground. Climbs back in his wagon. Looks toward the two men as they fade into the trees in the distance ... It is only now that the adrenaline begins to leave him. Sweat pours from his brow and soaks through his shirt. He leans over and vomits off the side of the wagon ... James takes a drink from his canteen, spits the water to the ground, then slaps the reins against his wagon team and begins moving them toward the forest ... EXT. HELL’S HALF ACRE -- FORT WORTH, TEXAS -- DAY. James leads his wagon team through the commercial center of Fort Worth. Seems there are people and horses and wagons everywhere -- Travelling salesmen sell everything from human scalps to Buffalo pelts to bottles of liquid sworn to cure anything. Casinos and saloons and brothels line the streets, as do supply houses, barbers, clothiers -- if you want it and have the money, you can find it here. James pulls past the madness toward the stockyards and a livery stable. Stops his wagon, steps off. A line of men stand holding their horses as LIVERY WORKERS call out numbers. LIVERY WORKER THIRTY-ONE, THIRTY-TWO, THIRTY- THREE ... Three men walk toward him, leading horses. James walks to a small kiosk where a LIVERY MANAGER sits. JAMES DILLARD Can you take a wagon and team? LIVERY MANAGER How many in your team? JAMES DILLARD Four.

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