Wade pushes back from the table. WADE
It’s dangerous enough around here -- I ain’t gotta go two thousand miles to find trouble. All the trouble I’ll ever need is right outside the door.
Wade and Ennis stand and walk out. THOMAS
We could have a look in the saloon. SHEA If they’re in a saloon when we find ‘em I don’t want ‘em. Shea looks across the restaurant, sees James Dutton eating alone. SHEA (CONT’D) Look who it is. THOMAS That farmer’s everywhere at once, ain’t he. Shea stands. Walks toward James. Thomas follows. SHEA Mind if we sit? James looks up at the men. JAMES DILLARD Whatever you’re selling I ain’t buying. SHEA ... Mind if we sit. James stops eating. Shea and Thomas sit. Shea sets a few dollars on the table. SHEA (CONT’D) For your dinner. For the interruption. JAMES DILLARD I can pay for my own dinner.
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