INT. RAIL CAR -- CONT. It’s even louder inside the rail car. Sparks can be seen outside the window, then the momentum of the train comes almost instantly to a stop with everyone and everything hurled forward in a brief, painful lesson of physics ... As the train stops, people steady themselves -- those who fell to the floor stand and dust themselves clean. A RAILROAD WORKER opens the door and people begin pushing their way out, any sense of courtesy for other passengers completely abandoned ... Margaret, Claire, Spencer, hell -- all of them, get pin balled around by the rushing crowd. CLAIRE JUST WAIT FOR EVERYONE TO GET OFF. MARGARET DO YOU SEE ELSA?? Claire looks at Margaret. MARGARET (CONT’D) ELSA, DO YOU SEE HER? Claire shakes her head in disgust. CLAIRE ... You lost her again? EXT. RAIL CAR -- NIGHT. Elsa stands alone on the little platform between cars, exhilarated, looking out over the city. ELSA (V.O.) If ‘possible’ can describe a
feeling, that’s how I felt. The whole world felt possible. And I was ready for it ...
EXT. PLATFORM -- NIGHT. James walks along the train, scanning the massive exodus for a familiar face. Sees none. Keeps walking. Worry creeps in, as worry is known to do, and his walk becomes a jog. He scans every face, every form. Then hears something. Stops. Hears it again ...
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