
Claire walks up with Mary Abel, dragging her suitcase behind her, shaking her head in disgust. CLAIRE James, you’re children are feral. Absolutely feral. JAMES DILLARD Hello Claire. Sorry about Henry. He was ... A patient man. CLAIRE Nothing to be sorry about. It’s the Lord’s will. Can’t believe in heaven then be sad when people go there. James moves them all toward a row of horse drawn carriages. Leads them to one. Hands money to the driver. JAMES DILLARD The Calhoun. James helps the ladies in, then Spencer. Elsa looks out at the city. JAMES DILLARD (CONT’D) Elsa. She turns, walks to the carriage. JAMES DILLARD (CONT’D) This is a dangerous town. No wandering. ELSA I don’t wander. JAMES DILLARD All you do is wander, and you ain’t doing it here. Promise. ELSA I promise. She steps into the carriage. James closes the door, climbs up on the seat beside the driver. INT. CARRIAGE -- FORT WORTH, TEXAS -- NIGHT. The carriage moves through Hell’s Half Acre and its endless row of bars, brothels, and gambling houses.

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