MELODI You don’t want to be alone with memories is why you don’t sleep. So, you sit here until you are too tired for memories. SHEA You’re too smart to be working here. MELODI I make more money than bankers. I’m right where I’m supposed to be. What was her name. Shea stares at her for an eternity. He seems surprised when he says -- SHEA Helen. Melodi stands from her seat, then sits in his lap. He lets her. She leans close. Her hand runs across his chest -- more comforting than sexual. MELODI And you’ve known no one since. He shakes his head ‘no’. MELODI (CONT’D) You can call me her name. He looks at her as she runs her fingers across his face. MELODI (CONT’D) Shea hurls her from his lap. SHEA Get the fuck off me. She stares at him, as do other patrons around him. One of the DEALERS turns around, eyes Shea. DEALER He causing problems? MELODI He pushed me. You can close your eyes and call me her name and you can be with her again. I can give that to you --
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