
She runs to him and he pushes her into the hall. JAMES DILLARD GO TO OUR ROOM.

She runs to her mother’s arms and Margaret pulls her into the hotel room. James spins and faces the open doors of every room -- men poking out their doors, pistols in hand ... JAMES DILLARD (CONT’D) ANYBODY ELSE?! ANYBODY ELSE WANT TO COME AFTER MY FAMILY?!?!? Doors close as quickly as they opened. James leans into his hotel room, watches his wife cradle his terrified daughter. Watches his son rock back and forth, wailing for comfort -- and not understanding that he isn’t the one who needs it. James leans against the doorway and watches them, wondering what the hell he’d gotten his family into, knowing there was no way to get them out. They had no choice but to endure. Yes, what an adventure indeed ... EXT. STOCK YARDS -- MORNING. Shea and Thomas stand with the STOCK YARD MANAGER(50), looking over a corral filled with ox (bulls that were not castrated until adulthood, then trained to be draft animals, for those who don’t know ...) STOCK YARD MANAGER What the hell am I gonna do with these? SHEA Sell ‘em. STOCK YARD MANAGER To who? SHEA Farmers. STOCK YARD MANAGER

Farmers don’t use ox no more. They got these steam engines now that can pull a plow all day. All you gotta do is feed the furnace. SHEA Never seen one. And neither have you. Swap me even.

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