THOMAS Never said it did.
INT. CONFERENCE ROOM -- PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY -- DAY. Shea and Thomas stand in front of the emigrant families. In front of them is a table filled with taxidermied animals and dried plants. Josef stands beside them, translating everything they say. Shea holds a stuffed rattlesnake. Hands it to the crowd, who passes it around. SHEA
This is a rattlesnake. They hide under logs, under rocks -- if it’s cold at night they will look for warmth and if you are sleeping on the ground that warmth is you. A bite will kill you ... Shea grabs dried plants pressed in wax paper. SHEA (CONT’D)
This is poison oak and poison ivy. They won’t kill you, you’ll just wish you were dead. Do not touch them. Do not walk in them.
Shea looks at Thomas.
What else.
SHEA Do not drink water from the ground. When we make camp we will choose a latrine away from our water source.
Josef looks back.
JOSEF What is latrine. SHEA Rest room. Doesn’t know that either.
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