Mmhmm. Shea walks to the back of the room. Meets James. JAMES DILLARD You need help, I’ll give it. SHEA I’ll take it. Thank you. Pays a hundred a month. JAMES DILLARD Don’t want your money. Not working for you. Just riding with you. SHEA Fair enough ... How many women in your group? JAMES DILLARD It’s only women in my group. And a five year-old boy. SHEA Might need to borrow one of those womEn. JAMES DILLARD Borrow them for what.
EXT. PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY -- MOMENT LATER. James has the wagon hitched to his horses. Margaret and Spencer sit on the bench. Elsa, Claire, and Mary Abel are tucked in the wagon. James walks out, leans his head inside, looks at Claire. JAMES DILLARD Sister, I have a job for you. INT. PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY -- LATER. Claire stands in a hallway with all the emigrant women lined up against the wall. Claire looks to the heavens for comfort, finds none. Walks to the first woman. Motions to her. The woman drops her dress to the ground, stands before her, naked.
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