Claire makes a circling motion with her finger and the woman turns around. Claire studies her body, then nods. The woman gets dressed and Claire moves to the next woman ...
INT. CONFERENCE ROOM -- PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY -- DAY. The men stand in a line before Shea, Thomas, and James. They step forward, one by one, and strip their clothes. The men look them over, Shea nods, and the man gets dressed, then steps away. The next man walks up ... A man steps up, strips his shirt. The man’s eyes are red. Nose seems clogged. They study him. SHEA Turn around. Around his waist are small boils, like pimples. James spots them first, points them to Thomas. THOMAS Captain. Thomas points at the boils. SHEA Get dressed. The man pulls on his shirt. SHEA (CONT’D) You have a wife? The man nods. Shea looks at Josef. SHEA (CONT’D) Bring her here. Josef walks out of the room. MAN What. SHEA Nothing. MAN What did I do. SHEA Didn’t do anything. Josef brings a young woman into the room.
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