INT. MILLIE’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - MORNING John enters, dressed in his old clothes... which no longer fit. John left for war so young he was still growing. The pants are too short. Sleeves, too. And the fashion? Ancient. JOHN You don’t have any of Dad’s old clothes around do you? MILLIE I threw everything he owned away. JOHN Except this. (hands her the knife) I took it with me for luck. Figured it got him through his war. (points at the symbol) Do you know what this means? Millie looks at the knife as John grabs a drink from the fridge. John doesn’t notice it, but we do: Millie blanches when she sees the symbol. Just for a second. Then covers... MILLIE Probably some Eagle Scout crap. John sits down next to her, cracks open a beer. Millie shoots him a look. Excuse me? John raises an eyebrow. What? JOHN I’m legal now. Millie takes the beer. Drinks it herself. MILLIE
Far as I’m concerned, you’re the same age as when you illegally joined the Marines. JOHN I had a waiver. MILLIE From forging your deadbeat Dad’s signature. You’ve been running after your Dad since he walked out that door, and where did it get you? All the way to Viet Nam. Two years gone and look at you. JOHN I’m fine, Mom.
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