MARY I got this, Ranger Rick. INT. LODGE - HIDDEN STAIRCASE - NIGHT The steps wrap around, going down, down, down underground. JOHN This a normal night for you? MARY Since I was a kid, yeah. JOHN You were raised to be... what exactly are you anyway? MARY A Hunter. JOHN Of... MARY Things that go bump in the night. JOHN A Hunter. Can I ask you something? MARY You just did. JOHN Was my Dad a Hunter? I mean, he sent me a magical key that opens a magical door to a paranormal freemason’s lodge -- MARY Seriously. No such thing. JOHN You’re a lot of fun, you know that? They come at last to the bottom of the stairs. Another door. She opens the door and they step into... INT. THE CLUBHOUSE - NIGHT Mary finds a nearby circuit breaker and throws it. To both their surprise, the power comes on, lighting the place up. Like a speakeasy and spa. Snooker tables. Full bar. Chess sets. And books like Mary found in the opening. It’s...
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