

CLOSE ON A PIECE OF PAPER A hand enters frame. Begins WRITING. And we hear... DEAN (V.O.) If I’m gonna do this, I gotta do it the right way. And that means

telling the truth. The truth about my Mom and Dad. It starts the way everything starts with my family...

EXT. WOODS - NIGHT CHYRON: BROKEN BOW, OKLAHOMA. MARCH 22nd, 1972. Full moon. Mist drifting through old trees. Spooky. DEAN (V.O.) ...with a hunt. A FIGURE steps into view, moving with purpose toward... EXT. OLD HOUSE - NIGHT Left for dead ages ago. Laying in the woods like a skeleton. The figure clicks on a flashlight. Moves into -- INT. OLD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The figure searches without making a sound. Total pro. As the figure exits the kitchen... a SHADOW wipes the frame. Some... THING... is inside this house. The figure runs its light over shelves filled with books with odd symbols on their spines, and finally, an ornate box with a SYMBOL on its lid. Drawn to the box, the figure moves toward it... while a hand reaches for the figure from behind! The figure WHIPS around just as they’re about to be attacked, grabs the hand at the wrist, yanks, twists and FLIPS their would-be assailant around, slamming them to the ground. The figure’s dropped flashlight spins on the ground, landing at last on the figure’s face, and we finally see... MARY CAMPBELL. 19 years old. The anger on her face shifts to recognition. She smiles, looking down at -- SAMUEL CAMPBELL. 40s. Thick build. Thinning hair. Mary’s Dad. SAMUEL You’re grounded.


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