Mary shoots him a look which suggests that “Silence is Golden,” but John looks out the window, wondering... JOHN
Pretty sure Texas is south of here, so... where are we going exactly? MARY You want to go hunting, then you need to get some weapons first.
EXT. LIBRARY - MORNING PAN DOWN from the library sign to find a very confused John. JOHN Weapons. Here? MARY Knowledge is power, Private Pyle. INT. LIBRARY - RESTRICTED SECTION - MORNING Mary has the mystery box in hand, John barely keeping up with her. They’re down in the basement, where the older books are kept. They approach a librarian, whose back is turned. MARY Hey. I need your help on something. The librarian turns around and we recognize her right away. So does John, because the librarian is actually... JOHN Lata? LATIKA John? MARY You two know each other? Wait, did you just call her Lata -- LATIKA That’s what my friends call me. (back to John) I didn’t know you were a Hunter. MARY He’s not. JOHN In training.
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