INT. MARY'S CAR - MOVING - DAY They ride in silence. John looks at the rear view mirror... and once again Murph is there behind him. John closes his eyes. He’s not there, he’s not there, he’s not -- MARY (O.S.) Ground control to Major Tom? John opens his eyes and as we WIDEN, we see they’re on a back road. Some time has clearly passed. John checks the rearview. Murph is gone. John is relieved. Mary? Concerned. MARY That’s the second time you’ve space cadet-ed on me. What’s up? JOHN You’re gonna think I’m crazy. MARY I already think you’re crazy. JOHN You said ghosts were real. Well, I think I’m being haunted. Mary considers John. He’s serious. She nods. Okay, then... MARY Grab my bag. Front pocket. John grabs her bag from the back. Pulls out an -- MARY EMF Reader. Ghost detector. Switch is on the side. Turn it on. John turns it on. Nothing happens. MARY See? No flashing red. So, no ghosts here. You’re not being haunted. JOHN Why is that not comforting? MARY Tell me what you’re seeing. JOHN I keep seeing my friend. He saved my life more times than I can remember. When it was my turn...
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