MARY I came to you first because you usually listen before the yelling starts. Instead you ran off before we could finish our conversation. SAMUEL That’s why you’re here? Fine. Finish what you have to say.
Mary sighs.
MARY Aren’t you tired? Of all of this?
This lands on Samuel. He’s exhausted. MARY
And hasn’t our family given enough? Samuel shakes his head. Doesn’t like where this is going. SAMUEL Your sister never gave up. MARY Maggie. Her name is Maggie, Dad. Jesus, you can’t even say her name. And she never gave up because she didn’t want to let you down. (dagger) And look where that got her. Gut punch for Samuel. Mary instantly regrets it. MARY I didn’t -- SAMUEL Shut up. MARY Dad, I’m sorry -- He holds up a finger. Seriously. Shhhh . Mary understands now, gets quiet. They both listen. High alert. CREAK. Something moves behind them. They both draw guns. SAMUEL Were you followed? MARY Of course not. Were you?
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