JOHN Second set: Lawrence, Kansas. The third set... isn’t complete. Based on what’s here, it’s somewhere...
John gestures at southern Louisiana. CARLOS That’s a lot of somewhere. MARY What was Dad missing? Latika grabs Henry’s old journal. LATIKA This. (flipping pages)
Everyone on Samuel’s board was in this journal, right? Well, who did he know in southern Louisiana? (points to a page) He paid a visit to an associate named Jack Underhill. Place called Harper Grove in New Orleans. MARY Let’s go find Harper Grove.
EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DUSK Carlos’s van rips down the road. INT. CARLOS’S VAN - FRONT SEAT - MOVING - NIGHT Mary drives, Latika rides shotgun. The boys are in back. MARY You shouldn’t have come. LATIKA Would it kill you to say thank you? MARY Your head is always in a book. Not in the moment. And I’ve seen what happens to people like that. This hangs in the air between them. An old wound. LATIKA
Mary... I’m sorry about Maggie. I miss her, too. But... I’m not her.
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