Mary is struck by Deanna’s honesty. DEANNA
Mary, I met a cute boy and fell in love. But once your father opened my eyes... I couldn’t walk away. And neither can you. There’s no normal life for people like us. Mary climbs into her car. Slams the door. A beat. Then... MARY Then I don’t want to be people like
us anymore. And I for damn sure don’t want to wind up like you.
DEANNA John put you up to this. Didn’t he? MARY
I make my own decisions, Mom. I’m going to find Dad. And once I do? (final) I’m done. She punches the gas and takes off, leaving Deanna stunned. EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY John exits the diner, five to-go coffees in a tray. He finds Mary, standing by her car. She’s reading the letter John shared with Mary. It hits her hard. MARY John... I’m so sorry. JOHN I think part of me always knew. MARY Why didn’t you tell me? JOHN Would you have let me come if I did? Mary nods. Fair enough. MARY And your Mom...?
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