
CONTINUED: THE WINCHESTERS “PILOT” NETWORK THIRD DRAFT 12/14/21 5. JOHN I got a pack of Beemans. And my Dad’s old hunting knife. John pulls an old HUNTING KNIFE from his belt. MURPH Can’t believe you brought a knife to a gun fight. JOHN (shakes his head) You know, I barely remember my Dad. MURPH Yet you came all this way. Enlisted no less, like an idiot. And for what? Just to be like your old man? JOHN To walk in his footsteps. To try to know him. MOVEMENT all around them. The enemy moving in. They’re pinned down, Butch and Sundance style. Last stand imminent. MURPH Well. Here you are at the end of that road. Was it worth it? John considers that. Not so sure it was at the moment. MURPH Put it away. I got an idea. JOHN Don’t even think about it. MURPH I’ll create a distraction. You get

to the rendezvous. Bring the cavalry. Gold stars for all. JOHN Murph, no --

Murph pulls a silver crucifix from his shirt. Kisses it for luck. Then runs out of cover. CLICK. Something TRIGGERS under foot. He turns to John. Knows this is the end. He smiles. MURPH See you on the other side, John. KA-BOOM! The landmine explodes! SMASH TO:

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