INT. BUS - MOVING - MORNING John wakes with a START. He’s in a full dress uniform. Riding in the back of a bus, having just woken from this memory/ dream of Viet Nam. He collects himself. Shakes it off. But when he looks outside the window... he sees in the reflection... MURPH sitting right next to him. Murph’s face is CHARRED. Covered in blood. A choked whisper and blood pours out of his mouth as he GRABS JOHN -- INT. BUS - MOVING - MORNING John wakes again with a start -- for real this time. He looks in the reflection of the window again. But Murph is gone. Just a dream. Just a nightmare. John lets out a long sigh. Relieved. But haunted. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope. Addressed simply to “John Winchester.” Where the return address should be, there’s only a symbol. But we recognize it right away: It’s the same symbol on the box Mary and Samuel found! John reaches into his duffel. Pulls out the hunting knife we saw before. The one he said was his father’s. But this time we notice on the hilt... the same symbol. “I’d Love to Change the World” by Ten Years Gone begins as John looks out the window, a smile as he sees... EXT. MAIN STREET - MORNING CREDITS PLAY as the bus drives down a street of quaint shops, restaurants, and a movie theater, then comes to a slow stop. CHYRON: Lawrence, Kansas, March 23rd, 1972. John steps off the bus, duffel on his shoulder. He takes in his home town. Looks the same. But everything has changed. The record store plays hippie music. Young men have long hair. Young women tie-dies. Distracted, John bumps into... LATIKA (Luh-thika/Luh-tha) DESAI. 20. Indian by way of London. The flyers in her hand go, well, flying. JOHN Oh my god I’m so sorry. John helps gather the flyers, and they lock eyes. Latika sees his uniform. John sees the flyers. They’re for a WAR PROTEST. They’re both not sure what the other thinks. John smiles.
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