RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


REID - leaning down. Right into BEST’S face -- REID (steel) No. They need their fears pacified. And he pushes the reporter away. REID (CONT’D) (to DRAKE) Go!

And away DRAKE takes them. The carriage clattering back through the incensed crowd and away into the night. BEST - a grin on his face, at the forefront of this ever more incensed mob, crying out above the tumult -- BEST And where would be the sport in that!? EXT. CARRIAGE - TRAVELLING - NIGHT 1/10


REID and DRAKE atop the flying carriage -- DRAKE

Where are we taking her? The London? Mr. Bagster-Philipps’? REID No. No hospitals; no Met surgeons. They’ll all talk. (beat) You take her back to Leman Street. Use the back. Find a cell and lock her in it. You don’t book her in; and Sergeant - you tell no one. DRAKE And yourself, Mr. Reid?

REID - eyeing DRAKE --


Sir. Not the American. REID - ignores the protest; jumps to the street. REID Just get her hid. EXT. 22 TENTER STREET - NIGHT 1/10A Establish this exterior. The seemingly unremarkable facade of this well appointed house on a quieter street.


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