RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



INT. 22 TENTER STREET / ROSE’S ROOM - NIGHT 1/11 A bed, the softest of furnishings, thick, luxurious drapes, low lights. The perfect scene for the carnal delights taking place within. A tangle of quilt and sheets and limbs, and a young woman’s face. Flushed porcelain cheeks, green eyes, thick red hair. This is ROSE. Perhaps 23, she is raised on her elbows, looking down, a look of delighted disbelief on her face -- ROSE Captain Jackson. This is all topsy- turvy, I’m sure. Smiling back at her - a man. Moustached, a wasted elegance and infectious charm. CAPTAIN HOMER JACKSON (late 30s), the American in question. About his neck - a chain. On the chain: rabbits paw, Indian feather, and a fat, gold, four-cornered and rubied fraternity ring -- JACKSON Rose. Darling. There’s no rules here. Haven’t I told you that? And he slings the chain behind him and throws her skirts up over her giggling face. INT. 22 TENTER STREET / CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS 1/12 Another woman - sliding a peephole shut. She steps away from it and turns toward us, irked by what she’s seen. She is handsome, blonde, early 30s, well dressed. This is LONG SUSAN, and this is her brothel. It’s nice, though. Draped, brocaded; beautiful YOUNG WOMEN shown off by gentle lighting. A world away from the broken tenements we saw in the opening sequence. She stalks away down the corridor. Stops now to the sound of a disturbance below. From a balcony, she sees: REID - pushing through the entrance. Which does little to improve her mood -- LONG SUSAN Sweet Jesus. INT. 22 TENTER STREET / RECEPTION - NIGHT 1/13 REID - looking up as LONG SUSAN stalks down the stairway toward him -- LONG SUSAN You cannot simply intrude here any time of your choosing...



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