RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


REID (across her) That this house thrives - and that your girls aren’t walking the

streets this night - is at my whim and indulgence, Madam. Don’t forget that. (then) Where is he? SUSAN - she resents the truth of that. Finds a shrug -- LONG SUSAN Why should I care? It’s not as if he ever pays... INT. 22 TENTER STREET / ROSE’S ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 1/14 ROSE - her bottom lip held between her teeth, transported. Disturbed now by this sudden banging on the door -- ROSE (shouts) What!? He’s taken me for the night! REID (O.S.) Jackson! JACKSON - his face emerging, his eyes closing -- JACKSON (shouting) Reid? I’m occupied. I’ll come see you in the morning. REID (O.S.) Can’t wait. I need a surgeon. JACKSON - off the bed in his britches, covers a crestfallen ROSE with a quilt, thrusts his pendant back inside his shirt. And opens the door to reveal REID. A direct look between the two of them -- JACKSON You have your own. REID They’re drunks and incompetents. I want you. JACKSON Five minutes. And he moves to shut the door. Can’t. Because REID’S foot is in the way -- REID Now.


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