RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



EXT. LEMAN STREET. H DIVISION HQ - NIGHT 1/14A Gaslight illuminates the soot-black walls of this - our precinct headquarters. A tide of humanity sweeps in and out beneath the sign POLICE. JACKSON You going to tell me what this is about? REID Just keep walking. And Reid leads him through. INT. LEMAN STREET - BOOKING OFFICE - NIGHT 1/15 Night shift. A barely contained anarchy. COPPERS, their COLLARS, DRUNKS, the HOMELESS. And JACKSON, a leather satchel over his shoulder, following REID though -- On they go, heads down, REID leading the way past an imposing DOCK at which the booking Sergeant, ARTHERTON - huge black ledger in front of him, sits surveying the chaos. INT. LEMAN STREET - OUTER OFFICE - NIGHT 1/15A Reid unlocks a gate, shows JACKSON through a humming Outer Office - desks and more COPS and DETECTIVES talking, drinking, interviewing SUSPECTS, in the shadow of a wall-to- wall CASE BOARD. A blackboard divided in columns, wheeled step ladders beneath. At the far left in bold chalk capitals, the word RIPPER, the various KILLINGS detailed below. Jackson - wide-eyed for this. But Reid isn’t waiting for him. Pushes on through. INT. LEMAN STREET - REID’S OFFICE - NIGHT 1/15B A large cork-board. A map of the precinct. Red spots mark the whereabouts of these 5 crimes -- Photographs: a number of them. Several original police photographs of these five dead women. And Jackson - watching Reid as he unpins a handful of these. Marches away with them. INT. LEMAN STREET - CELLS - NIGHT 1/15C First an open quadrangle of holding cells and drunk tanks, groaning with arrested and restless humanity, then a long corridor of several isolation cells. On the last door on the left, REID raps three times and the door opens to reveal DRAKE. JACKSON and REID step through. Shut the door behind them.





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