RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



INT. LEMAN STREET - MOMENTS LATER 1/18 REID - on the move back through the chaos of reception. Heading for the doors, as -- ARTHERTON Mr. Reid, sir. REID - turning. Seeing the wiry, bespectacled form of his Desk Sergeant. Going to him. ARTHERTON (CONT’D) I’m hearing strange rumours. REID Oh yes. ARTHERTON Mmm. That there’s an unregistered female on the premises. REID - casting a look about him. Various WHORES laughing in a corner. REID Always an abundance of those, Sergeant. ARTHERTON - a thin smile -- ARTHERTON I’m not here to judge you, sir. EXT. CREIGHTON BASEMENT - NIGHT 1/19 An ugly, subterranean basement. A steel door and padlock. Which Reid now hammers upon -- REID Creighton! Open up. OMITTED 1/20 INT. CREIGHTON BASEMENT - NIGHT 1/21 Barely anything to suggest this is home. A camp-bed; two-ring stove. A filthy sink in which the man might occasionally wash his face. What life is lived here is devoted to work. Shelves and chemicals and lenses and apparatuses. Just to remind you of our obligations under the law. REID And I thank you for that, Artherton. Always.




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