RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


And Creighton - bent over his fixing solution, images appearing on photographic paper. Reid - watching. He picks up a dry plate. Touches his fingers to the edges. Rubs the GELATIN SOLUTION that emerges from it between his fingers. Puts the plate back, wipes his hand on his trouser leg. CREIGHTON - handing a couple of images to REID. The DEAD WOMAN’S face, that message on the wall, the cobblestones. REID grabs for a magnifying glass, studies one in particular. The way dirt and dust and leaves have been divided and pushed apart -- REID This one - which side of the courtyard? CREIGHTON (checks) North. REID He brought her in through the alleyway. CREIGHTON - it makes no bones to him. He presses on. Moves steadily through a rack of photographic plates. Hands a few more similar prints to REID. Stops after a while. REID points to a few more plates -- REID (CONT’D) And those. CREIGHTON I over-exposed them. REID - his eyes, studying the man -- REID Worth our while to check, however... A curt nod from CREIGHTON. He takes the plates to the solution, immerses them. Silence for a long beat as he washes the plates. And feels REID very close behind him now -- REID (CONT’D) Do you think me some bone-headed flatfoot? He takes CREIGHTON’S arm. Pushes him aside. REID (CONT’D) They need to come out. (a beat)


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