RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


REID (CONT’D) The later ones. They would have known what that lunatic intended for their bodies. Do you have a pity for them?

He turns BEST - thrusts him toward a framed edition. The drawing of a hunted looking man. The print screaming: John Pizer. Is this the Whitechapel Killer? REID (CONT’D)

A pity for the many men whose lives you have ruined with accusations? BEST (a protest) I have never accused. I have asked questions. Speculated!

Another headline on the wall. The Star reporting that the killer has written to the police, a copy of the latter where he signs himself Jack The Ripper - that name, the vast bold letters of the legend. REID (off this) Speculate. Well I speculate. About

you, Best. About the hand that penned that letter. A letter I never credited as bona fide. (beat) And now this.

REID - taking CREIGHTON’s prints of the crime scene. Showing them to BEST. Then pushing the man hard into the wall; that framed edition crashing to the floor by his feet. REID (CONT’D) What else did you alter? BEST - sprung. Doesn’t deny it. Eyes Reid directly. Smiles -- BEST

Nothing. Didn’t have to, did I? Just underlined what’s plain to a man who’s as intimate with the Ripper’s doings as myself.

REID - a look of contempt for this. BEST (CONT’D) (off this; sly) Myself and Chief Inspector Abberline. Which gets just the urgent reaction BEST was hoping for --

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