RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


REID You’ve spoke with Fred Abberline? BEST - straightening his waistcoat; knows the balance of power here has been re-calibrated -- BEST

Your boss as was. I have. And he finds himself in agreement with me. Our friend is back.

REID - his cold eyes on BEST, he collects the print of the writing on the wall, “DOWN ON WHORES” , advances on the man. BEST - a coward at heart, he is entirely intimidated -- REID

Nothing’s for certain. And I won’t have people hiding in their homes again ‘til I get certain. (beat)

I see this in print, I’ll be back here for some ripping of my own. REID strides from the office, past all the assembled HACKS and ASSISTANTS wondering at the disturbance. BEST - coming after him, shouting across the office -- BEST Do not fear good citizens, do not shake. For - sleepless, tireless - Detectives Reid and Abberline hunt our Jack down dockside and rookery. Two finer police the world has not yet made so be of good heart, this maniac will be brought to ground and hard. Reid - his face. Stopping. Hooded eyes turn back to Best. BEST Only he wasn’t, was he? The man and his works abide. (beat) Friday. Unless you have something proves it’s another knifeman, this story turns over on Friday. REID - meeting the man’s eye. Holding it. Then he’s out the door. And BEST - turning back to the newsroom -- BEST (CONT’D) What are you lot gawking at!? Who d’you think you are, Reid? Come here to rattle me when you forget what I know of you... (beat)

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