RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



INT. LEMAN STREET - DAY 1/25 REID - deeply preoccupied, pushing in hard and head down as -- ARTHERTON (O.S.) Inspector... REID barely looks at the bespectacled Desk Sergeant. REID I know, Artherton. It’s taken care of. ARTHERTON It’s not that, sir... REID (turning on him) Then what? ARTHERTON - clear discomfort, eyebrows raised toward -- The stooped and haggard form of CHIEF INSPECTOR FREDERICK ABBERLINE (50s). He is not all that much older than REID, but he wears his years, the stresses of his professional life, with a weary and belligerent gloom. ARTHERTON Our past come to say how-do. Reid - squaring his shoulders. Moving to the man -- REID (CONT’D) Enough dancing, Detective. If there’s a diced up girl in this shop, she’s mine. INT. CORRIDORS - LEMAN STREET - MOMENTS LATER 1/26 Reid and Abberline - advancing through the inner tributaries of the station. UNIFORMED MEN stand aside as they go. Watch the deference observed for Abberline, as -- ABBERLINE (greeting them) Watts. Cartwright. (and) My greetings to Margaret. And your boys, Ted. Reid - that fury. Makes a mental note to have both men drawn across coals. Pushes on. Chief Inspector Abberline of the ‘Yard. What merits such a visit. ABBERLINE


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