RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


ABBERLINE That Yankee clap-doctor! REID (rising in defence) The man was a US Army surgeon and a Pinkerton. EXT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE CELL - LEMAN STREET - CONTINUOUS



DRAKE and JACKSON exchange looks again. ABBERLINE (O.S.) A Pinkerton? REID (O.S.) That’s right. ABBERLINE (O.S.)

A chartered mercenary with a badge. (beat) An ocean between him and his rightful manor...

JACKSON shrugs. Examines a fingernail. INT. CELL - LEMAN STREET - CONTINUOUS




(bitter now) ... and you place his word above mine. But Reid won’t be shamed, shows him the body -- REID I think you’d have her Ripper above all else. Another bite, another chance at him. ABBERLINE And you would not? REID I would have my innards served to me cold if I thought it would show him to us but, Fred - what if this girl has been dressed as Jack for our eyes and, in our fervour, we fill the streets with uniform hunting him and miss the truth of it? Abberline - digesting this. Eyeing Reid -- REID Let me bring my mercenary back in and have him speak.

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