RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



INT. CELL - LEMAN STREET - DAY 1/32 ABBERLINE stands - stiff, disapproving. But he’s listening -- JACKSON

Fact he didn’t open her up that strikes as strange. Their guts - that’s always what he wanted the most. Open them up; see their viscera in his hands... ABBERLINE (counters)

Then he got caught short; as he was with Elizabeth Stride. Her throat was cut, the rest of her untouched. Reid - those photographs in his hands - the body; the alleyway with and without the painted words -- REID bringing her here. So long in fact that all blood had ceased to spill from her. See - the cuts about her face, the gash in the throat but no blood on the cobbles she was dragged across... JACKSON I doubt there’d have been much where they cut her either. ABBERLINE (a bitter scoff) When the woman’s throat was cut!? JACKSON The throat is a - post-mortem injury. Drake - following hard, trying to make sense of it -- DRAKE Then what did for her? JACKSON Asphyxia. Her hyoid bone is broken. Reid - a smile, a hope emerging -- REID She was strangled. And all else took place after. (beat) But if he was disturbed with this one, he went back to her. Or hid beside her. But whichever, he waited some few hours before


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