RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12



EXT. REID HOME - DAY 1/36 Although not sure where we are yet. A tidy, modest home. And - O/S - the growing sounds of a man and woman in congress. INT. BEDROOM - REID HOME - DAY 1/37 The source of those sounds: a man and a woman who have barely bothered to undress. REID and a WOMAN we’ve not met before. She is younger than him, very pretty. His wife, EMILY. REID - his hands pressed down on her shoulders. Their eyes fixed on the other. You wouldn’t call it love-making. But it is intense and it is consensual. Much passes between them. INT. BEDROOM - REID HOME - DAY 1/38 REID - exhausted, sat now on the edge of the bed -- REID I’m home for a coat and shirt. EMILY - emerging from a bathroom. Gives him a look for that -- EMILY Not simply that. REID No. EMILY (matter of fact) And now you go back. REID It can’t be helped. EMILY - a nod. Moves to a linen cupboard, opens it. Selects from a pile of freshly pressed shirts. Hands one to him. REID (CONT’D) Thank you. REID - only now removing the one he’s still wearing -- REID (CONT’D) I’ll try to get word to you, if I’m to be gone [all night]... EMILY (across him) There’s no need, Edmund. REID I don’t want you to worry.



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